Monday, April 30, 2012

Windows PowerShell Command Builder for SharePoint 2010 Products and Office 365

If you're like us, you're starting to figure out that you can do much more with SharePoint through PowerShell than you can through Central Admin. Microsoft recognize that not everyone is comfortable with PowerShell so they've created an excellent tool to help rookies create scripts they can use for everyday administration tasks.

Windows PowerShell Command Builder for SharePoint 2010 Products and Office 365 is a Silverlight® 4 application that is designed to help IT professionals and power users learn how to use Windows PowerShell for administrative tasks. The Windows PowerShell Command Builder enables IT professionals and power users to visually assemble commands related to SharePoint 2010 Products and Office 365 in the browser and take those commands to their respective products.

You can access the tool here:

And the getting started guide is here:

Here's a screen shot to give you an idea of how the drag and drop interface looks:

If you're interested in learning more about administering SharePoint with PowerShell, have a look at the following:

Happy scripting!

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